Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Look...

For those of you who are observant, you will notice I changed the look of my blog. Its still in pink, but the design is a bit different. Most importantly, I was able to add a few pictures. They are not super recent, but still fun. The best pictures are on Matt's laptop, and I just have not taken the time to add the pictures from there to my blog. I also added 3 really cute "lilypie tickers". Two are for Noah and Rylee and count down to their next birthday. The other is a countdown to my due date. They are adorable, but only half of them show up! HELP!! Do any of you guys know what I'm doing wrong? I posted a question in the "help" section, and I'm hoping someone from the blog group gets back to me with some helpful insight. Nothing I do seems to shrink them to fit. The only thing that worked was moving them to the bottom of the page, but then nobody would even see them, as most poeple just view the most recent post. Ahhh....the joys of blogging. Now, on to a new post to get you all updated.

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