Monday, March 17, 2008

The Home Stretch...

I am officially in the last month of my pregnancy. I have reached the 36 week mark. Depending on how you view "months" when you are pregnant, you would probably say I'm 9 months along. Although, if you count just 4 weeks as being equal to 1 month, then women who deliver at 40 weeks are 10 months along. Its safe to say that sometime, from now until 6 weeks from now (you are not usually allowed to go past 42 weeks without being induced), we will be welcoming our newest family member. If the baby decided to come a week early, that is only 3 weeks from now....WOW! It has felt like I've been pregnant forever, but now that the pregnancy is nearly over, it has really sped up. I now feel like I'm on a race against the much more organizing and nesting can I get done before #3 arrives? I'm definitely soooo excited to meet and hold and kiss this new baby. My excitement over this new baby is equal to my excitement with Noah and Rylee's births, for which I'm glad. I don't ever want to feel blase or apathetic towards a new life.

This weekend was a fun time of preparation. I got my Moby Wrap in the mail on Saturday. For those of you who are not sure what that is, its a very long piece of stretchy cloth that you can wrap around you and the baby to hold the baby in tons of positions, without putting all the baby's weight on your shoulders. I was able to find a very gently used one on Craigslist. Speaking of Craigslist...I was also able to get a free changing table from Craigslist. I had placed a "wanted" for an inexpensive changing table, and a woman who was really trying to clean out her attic contacted me and offered her nice one for free. Its in good shape. I was able to find some new, wicker, cloth lined baskets to place on the shelves to hold baby supplies really inexpensively. Saturday night I rearranged Noah's room, and got things fairly set up in his room for the baby. Tonight, the crib gets set up.

Yesterday, I sorted through all of our baby clothes and pulled out all the 0-3 month gender neutral clothes. They were washed in baby detergent and are not awaiting being put away later when the crib is in place (I have a nice, large drawer under the crib). It was so fun to see how tiny the little socks are, and remember either Noah or Rylee in certain outfits. They joined me in sorting the clothes and even loading the washer. They were laughing at how tiny the clothes were. We all were amazed at the newborn size diapers I got this weekend. Is it possible our baby's butt will be so small to actually fit in these diapers? Well, yes..but not for very long. Both my other kids only fit in newborn diapers for the length of time it took to go through 1 package. Then, it was on to size 1's. The only thing I really need to still purchase is a diaper pail...any suggestions? I've heard conflicting reports about which ones are best.

On a totally different subject...Happy St. Patrick's Day! Yes, I'm Irish, but only a little. I feel like I should be more Irish than I am because of my red hair and green eyes, but I really had no say in the matter. My crock pot is now filled with corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and of my favorite meals! I don't really have any green maternity shirts, so I feel like I'm not fully participating in the holiday.

I have seen 2 large, black ants in our house this does that happen when its still cold out? Doesn't it seem a little early for those? Guess its time to buy some of those ant traps again. I thought that possibly with the new windows, we wouldn't get them this year.

1 comment:

jewelmcroberts said...

Jen - i had the diaper genie for the boys...hated it! Now I have the Diaper is great!!! You use regular kitchen trash bags for it, so you don't need anything special. I highly recommend it!
Love ya, Jewel


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