Friday, June 11, 2010

Book Review...

I found out recently, from a friend, that I can receive free books from Thomas Nelson publishers if I am willing to post a blog review, via You bet I'm on board with that. It combines two of my favorites...books and free/cheap things!

I read the book "Love on a Dime", by a new author named Cara Lynn James. The book would be considered Christian Romance/Fiction. Its about a young woman of wealth, Lilly, in the late 1800's, who begins writing dime novels. She writes under a "nom de plume" as its considered improper for ladies of her class to write fiction. Her first love comes back in her life as the new owner of her publishing company, disrupting her current beau. Her secret identity is in jeopardy, as is her family's reputation, not to mention her relationship with her current beau.

This book kept my interest, even if it moved a bit slow for my taste. At times, things seemed a bit drawn out. The characters were well developed. The plot did hold my interest to the end, and had me wondering how things would be resolved. I think I would have appreciated a bit more interaction between Lilly and her first love, Jack. It seemed as if every conversation they had, she ran off. Overall, it was a decent first book for Ms. James. I'm curious to see how her future books compare to this one.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Thomas Nelson publishing company.


Pamela Dawn said...

Hi Rylee's Mom! I would love to "chat" via email anytime- my new email address is
At the first of the new year, I am going to blog again "by invite only" , I 'll let you know when that is up and running if you would like. ;) I am glad that you are fostering- that is wonderful! Blessings, Pam

Anonymous said...

Nice post! I totally understand not wanting to post much about your foster about a general update? What has been the hardest part for you and your children? As well as the most rewarding?


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