Friday, June 11, 2010

Book Review...

I found out recently, from a friend, that I can receive free books from Thomas Nelson publishers if I am willing to post a blog review, via You bet I'm on board with that. It combines two of my favorites...books and free/cheap things!

I read the book "Love on a Dime", by a new author named Cara Lynn James. The book would be considered Christian Romance/Fiction. Its about a young woman of wealth, Lilly, in the late 1800's, who begins writing dime novels. She writes under a "nom de plume" as its considered improper for ladies of her class to write fiction. Her first love comes back in her life as the new owner of her publishing company, disrupting her current beau. Her secret identity is in jeopardy, as is her family's reputation, not to mention her relationship with her current beau.

This book kept my interest, even if it moved a bit slow for my taste. At times, things seemed a bit drawn out. The characters were well developed. The plot did hold my interest to the end, and had me wondering how things would be resolved. I think I would have appreciated a bit more interaction between Lilly and her first love, Jack. It seemed as if every conversation they had, she ran off. Overall, it was a decent first book for Ms. James. I'm curious to see how her future books compare to this one.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Thomas Nelson publishing company.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Now that we are on our journey...

Blogging took a backseat to life. Sadly, Facebook is also to blame...too much immediate gratification, LOL! Three months ago we welcomed our first foster children into our home. I have been hesitant to blog about them as I feel its important to keep any details about them or their family from cyberspace. I can certainly speak about them in less personal ways, without divulging personal info. Sweet little "J", who is 2 1/2 and his fun older sister, "R", who is 4 1/2, have joined our family and adjusted beautifully.

They will be with us for several more months, minimum. We have a great, albeit unusual relationship with their parents. At times, we even drive the parents to their bi-weekly visits with the kids. We exchange letters, and I call on occasion. They are very nice and gracious folks who just need some time to work on some issues. To say that I feel God's hand on this whole case would be an understatement. Not only were we assigned a Christian case worker, but even the family mentor assigned to the family is also a Christian.

Just a few hours after "R" and "J" were dropped off at our house, Matt and I turned to each other and said, "This is exactly what we are called to doubt! There is such a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction." Sometimes there are times in your life when you just *know* in your *knower* that something was "meant to be". This is one of those times...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My delayed response...

When Matt and I first decided this past summer to pursue becoming foster parents and eventually adopt through the foster care system, we received tons of feedback from people. I would say about 75% of the people we shared our information with were genuinely excited for us and thought it was a good thing. About another 15% said, "well, God bless ya...". You could tell they were happy about it only because we were excited, yet at the same time it was obvious they were scratching their heads trying to figure us out. The remaining 10% think we are certifiably insane. We've had responses like, "why would you want to do that?" or, "aren't 3 kids enough?". One such person drilled us with questions (which is actually OK, because we are friends with this person and I would rather have the chance to answer questions rather than have people continue on with their misconceptions). He said, "why in the world would you ever want to do that and invite those type of kids into your home?". I tried my best at the time to share our reasoning. How do you share your heart with someone like that? How do you explain to a non believer that you feel like this is what God called you to do and He has given you the peace to carry it out? For months I have thought back to that day. If I had been given a while to form my true answer, this is what I would have said....

"If I know I have the chance to make a difference in someone's life, especially a child, and I choose instead to remain "comfortable", then SHAME ON ME! How do you look at a need, know that you can help fill that need, then walk away because, after all, the "problem" is not yours?"

Does that mean I think every person who call themselves Christian should be doing something about the orphan problem that exists in the world today? ABSOLUTELY!! Does that mean every Christian should adopt? No, sadly there are circumstances that make adoption not a good option for some people. That being said, I think that the majority of Christians have become blind to the orphan situation. If you cannot adopt, then support those who can. Whether that be financially, emotionally, or with just plain old help.

The Bible says that "to him who knows to do right and does it not, to him it is sin". To know that I can do something positive for a child, and not do it, would be nothing short of sin. If God calls you to do something, he gives you the strength and peace to carry it out.

I could go off on another tangent about how God did not grant us life so that we could be surrounded by every luxury and live "comfortably". Sometimes I think comfort is our enemy because it makes us lazy and complacent. God did not put me on this earth so I could live comfortably with my 2.2 children, in a large home with more money than I know what to do with (note to those who do not know me personally: I have three children, a small house, and definitely NOT more money than I know what to do with!). He called me to love and serve. Yup, love and serve. Not acquire a huge 401K. Not travel the world. Those things would be great, but they are not the truly important things.

Ok, I'll step down off my soapbox and stop "preaching", but since so many have asked us about our choice to foster and adopt, I felt it was high time I gave my true opinions. Feedback and criticism are certainly welcome...

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