Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm feeling sew!

I received a super frustrating call a few hours ago from someone who promised to pay me a month ago for money they owe me. While it looks like I'll be getting it (hopefully!) in a few days, I was so flabbergasted by their lack of regard and disrespectful attitude, that I literally was shaking as I got off the phone with them. To distract myself, I cleaned up the kitchen, then decided to check out some cute kids dresses on Etsy.

How cute is this little dress? These style dresses are called "pillowcase" dresses, and are sometimes literally made from vintage pillowcases. My favorites are ones like the above, with funky or whimsical patterns. I love the simplicity of the design, with the girlie embellishment of the matching bow. I did a little research and found out that they are about the easiest clothing item you can make. While I do not own my own sewing machine, my sister already gave me permission to use hers to craft some of my own matching pillowcase dresses for Rylee and Gracie. You can actually wear them year round by slipping a long sleeved shirt under the dress and pairing it with leggings or tights. You can also wear them as shirts rather than dresses, as the child grows. Just pair them up with a cute pair of capris or leggings. They are so versatile. While I'm no expert on a sewing machine, I know I can pull this off. Maybe Rylee's American Girl Doll, Jenna, will even find herself with a new dress! So, I'm envisioning cute and girlie bolts of fabric with matching ribbons, and maybe even some embellishments like ric-rac or funky buttons. The Etsy prices are great, so its almost not worth my time to make them myself, however, I have not felt "moved" to sew in years. Don't you feel inspired?

Edited to include the following: Please click on picture above to view the entire dress. I'm not sure why its only showing part...any ideas??


~*~KRISTYN~*~ said...

I forgot to tell you that I looked these up the other day.. SUPER CUTE ! I love them. I really need to invest in a sewing machine... cause I can just picture all sorts of cutie dresses. Plus if you found fabric that you liked, it would be super simple to make a dress using the same idea, because it would basically be like three extra places to sew...

I feel a trip where we search out pillowcases and a trip to that craft store in Fairport coming on... :)

ryleeandnoahsmom said...

I'm thinking you are right. If we go to Joanne's we can use their 40% off coupon for our fabric, and go through line a second time and turn in the Michaels or AC Moore 40% off coupons. We're naughty like us rebels, LOL!

Unknown said...

I printed off this "pattern" idea several months ago thinking I would make one for my niece for Christmas, but never I can make one for her and one for my own little girl!!!

Before you get rebellious and get great discounts with your store coupons, go to the service desk with your "teacher ID" and sign up for the "Jo-Ann Teacher Rewards" discount card and save 15% on EVERY purchase!!! I used my HSLDA member card and my Charity LEAH member card to prove my status as a teacher. With that ID they give you NO trouble signing up as a homeschool teacher!

I'm itching to get to Jo-Anns to buy fabric to make a baby some good ideas, but need to find the perfect fabric! Maybe I'll see you there the first chance we have to get away kid free...ha, ha!

debi9kids said...

I just love those dresses!
If you end up making them and selling them, let me know :)

Amy Jo said...

That dress looks GREAT!!! I like the size ribbon you used. Are you layering it with a long sleeve T or are you saving it for summer?


Made by Lena