Thursday, May 14, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words....

1 comment:

Pamela Dawn said...

Dear Friends!, I was so excited to read what you wrote on my blog spot- I am so EXCITED that you are going to start your adoption journey! Yea God- I know if this is what he has asked of you- then this is what you need to go for!! I know that God is for all adoptions! ;) I am from NY - the Buffalo area-- I know I have heard of your town??? is it down towards HOughton NY or going towards the finger lakes? Anyway- Thnak you so much for your comments, they help us as we go- and right now, it is really difficult! (I know it will get better as the little ones learn English and learn a whole new way of life. Please keep in touch, I'd love to hear how your MOnday goes! Thank you Lord for listening hearts! Blessings to you and boy your little ones are cute!!! Pam


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